Privacy Policy

Personal data (usually referred to just as “data” below) will only be processed by us to the extent necessary and for the purpose of providing a functional and user-friendly website, including its contents, and the services offered there.

Per Art. 4 No. 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, i.e. the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”), “processing” refers to any operation or set of operations such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, alignment, or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction performed on personal data, whether by automated means or not.

The following privacy policy is intended to inform you in particular about the type, scope, purpose, duration, and legal basis for the processing of such data either under our own control or in conjunction with others. We also inform you below about the third-party components we use to optimize our website and improve the user experience which may result in said third parties also processing data they collect and control.

Data controller

The party responsible for this website (the “controller”) for purposes of data protection law is:

Leander Wolffert

Ludwigstrasse 25

74532 Ilshofen


Telephone: +49 152 29484401


Payment details

In respect to any credit card or other payment processing details you have provided us, we commit that this confidential information will be stored in the most secure manner possible. Licenses are provided by Hyper, which is responsible for the data it processes for the service offered. Credit card or other means of payment information are processed by Stripe, which is responsible for the data it processes for the service offered. We have no access to this information, other then billing information.

What is personal data

Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Different pieces of information, which collected together can lead to the identification of a particular person, also constitute personal data. Personal data that has been de-identified, encrypted or pseudonymised but can be used to re-identify a person remains personal data and falls within the scope of the GDPR. Personal data that has been rendered anonymous in such a way that the individual is not or no longer identifiable is no longer considered personal data. For data to be truly anonymised, the anonymisation must be irreversible.

What is GDPR

GDPR is an EU-wide privacy and data protection law that regulates how EU residents' data is protected by companies and enhances the control the EU residents have, over their personal data. The GDPR protects personal data regardless of the technology used for processing that data – it’s technology neutral and applies to both automated and manual processing, provided the data is organised in accordance with pre-defined criteria (for example alphabetical order). It also doesn’t matter how the data is stored – in an IT system, through video surveillance, or on paper; in all cases, personal data is subject to the protection requirements set out in the GDPR.

Social media links

The integration takes place via a linked graphic of the respective site. The use of these graphics stored on our own servers prevents the automatic connection to the servers of these networks for their display. Only by clicking on the corresponding graphic will you be forwarded to the service of the respective social network. Once you click, that network may record information about you and your visit to our site. It cannot be ruled out that such data will be processed in the United States. Initially, this data includes such things as your IP address, the date and time of your visit, and the page visited. If you are logged into your user account on that network, however, the network operator might assign the information collected about your visit to our site to your personal account. If you interact by clicking Like, Share, etc., this information can be stored your personal user account and possibly posted on the respective network. To prevent this, you need to log out of your social media account before clicking on the graphic. The various social media networks also offer settings that you can configure accordingly.

The following social networks are integrated into our site by linked graphics:


Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

Privacy Policy:

EU-US Privacy Shield: